Home Windows Find Your Laptop Battery Information

Find Your Laptop Battery Information

Find Your Laptop Battery Information

Find Your Laptop Battery Information ?

BatteryInfoView is a small utility for laptops and notbook computers that displays the current status and information about your battery. The displayed battery information includes the battery name, manufacture name, serial number, manufacture date, power state (charging/discharging), current battery capacity, full charged capacity, voltage, charge/discharge rate, and more…

 BatteryInfoView also provides a log window, which adds a new log line containing the battery status every 30 seconds or any other time interval that you choose.

Using BatteryInfoView :- 

BatteryInfoView doesn’t require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file – BatteryInfoView.exe

The main window of BatteryInfoView provides 2 view modes:

  • Battery Information: (Press F7 to switch into this mode)
    Displays general status and information about your battery. The information is updated every 10 seconds by default, and you change this update rate in the ‘Advanced Options’ window (F9). There are 4 calculated fields that are updated only every 30 seconds or more.

 Find Your Laptop Battery Information

Source :- http://www.nirsoft.net

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