Home Internet 6 Instagram++ Features That Will Blow Your Mind

6 Instagram++ Features That Will Blow Your Mind

In today’s era, people are crazy about sharing daily activities on various social media like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram etc. Youngsters are using Instagram more and more nowadays. According to hootsuite, 400 million stories are posted per day on Instagram.

So, you can imagine that how many people and businesses are using Instagram to grow their profile and sales. If you are user of Instagram then you know that it’s updating at regular intervals. You will find many facilities there but some of the features are still not in the official Instagram app. So, we will talk about it here.

Limitation of Instagram

Official Instagram app has limited features because of their privacy policy and terms & conditions. So, one cannot save someone’s Instagram photo with Instagram app. Also if you want to download your favourite video then you can’t do it.

Same rule apply for your lovely stories. These are basic thing every users need in their Instagram app as they can easily download and share it with their friends and family. Not only these features, you will not able to see who is not following you from your followers. And there is list of things you will missing in the app. So, what is the solution? Either you have to use some downloader and online sites to do these things or you can simply use Instagram++.

Yes, Instagram++ let you do all these things within app. You don’t need to find out any downloader or external sites to fulfil your need. You heard it right. This app will help you to explore more things of Instagram. So, Let’s look at the features of the Instagram++ in depth.

Instagram++ Features

Instagram++ is moded version of original Instagram. It mean it will have more features then regular app. Some of the Instagram++ features are given below.

  1. Can save photos, videos and stories to your device.

The first feature you are looking for. You can download photos, videos and stories to your device easily. You don’t need any downloader now. Save your favourite photos and videos and share it with your friends.

  1. Can view the list of you following who isn’t following you.

Yes, you are looking for it right? You can easily find out the people you are following but they are not following you. So, you can also unfollow them.

  1. Can view the entire timestamp of published posts.

You can see the posts with the date and time they were published. So, you can easily identify when you have posted particular photos or videos. Even you can see timestamp of other profiles and pages too.

  1. Can open links inside Instagram.

If you like some video or want to shop something and click on link it will open externally. It’s annoying. But in Instagram++, you can open all links within the app and can watch video or shop your favourite thing.

  1. Easily view profile pics and posts by additional zoom.

Some users have kept their profiles private. So, you can’t see their profile pictures easily. But with Instagram++ you can easily view profile photos and post with addition zoom feature.

  1. Restrict sponsored posts appearing on feed.

This one is also interesting. If you don’t want to see the sponsored post in your feed then you can block it. So, you can only see the updates from the people you are following.

Here is not the end. It has many more features which you can identify while using it actually. After using these features, Instagram goes to next level. So, Try out this amazing app right now. Comment down if you have any problem. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends.


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