Home Apps App Review – Tuxler

App Review – Tuxler

You may know what a VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is; you probably don’t use one. You really should be using a VPN, and even if you don’t think so now, at some point in the future you may consider it as important as your internet connection. When you connect to a VPN, you usually launch a VPN client on your computer (or click a link on a special website), log in with your credentials, and your computer exchanges trusted keys with a far away server. Once both computers have verified each other as authentic, all of your internet communication is encrypted and secure from eavesdropping.The most important thing you need to know about a VPN: It secures your computer’s internet connection to guarantee that all of the data you’re sending and receiving is encrypted and secure from prying eyes.


The Difference between residential and data center VPNs


There are two different kinds of IP addresses out there. One belongs to data centers and servers, and the other belongs to residential dsl and cable providers. Residential proxies are IP addresses from a standard Internet Service Provider (ISP), often DSL or cable, that are wired directly into your home. Datacenter proxies are IP addresses that come from a secondary corporation and are not located in your home. 90 percents of all VPN providers are using services that utilize data centers. But the problem with data center’s VPNs is that a good majority of the website operators can see that you are using them and therefore will ban you for using and IP address that isn’t a residential one. This is due to the negative connotation associated with the use of data center’s VPNs, as they became a go to for hackers and cybercriminals. And it only takes a second for a website operator to figure out what kind of IP address you are using. Tuxler is a 100 % free VPN service which provides residential IP addresses to all its users.


Free Residential VPN with Tuxler


Tuxler is a Chrome extension that provides 100 % free and unlimited VPN for true privacy and anonymity on the web. Tuxler offers exclusively only residential IP addresses. While most VPNs offer datacenter IPs, Tuxler has real IPs from huge number of ISP companies. Users can choose IPs based not only n country level but to city levels too which allows surfing the web like a local user. This VPN service offers complete anonymity and secure web browsing for anyone. It is a community based VPN so the service grows every day as more and more users join making their server selection one of the biggest. Their Proxy servers are constantly renewed so they stay fresh and ready for you to use.  Tuxler VPN has no bandwidth limits and is completely free. There is no data limits so users can use it as much as they want to. All of Tuxler’s connections are anonymous and encrypted for maximum security.


If you grew tired of VPNs with datacenter proxy servers that are blocked everywhere we urge you to give Tuxler a chance. You can find Tuxler VPN chrome extension at the Google Chrome store.


Chrome Webstore Download Link: Tuxler

Offical Website: Tuxler


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