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Boosting Your Numbers by Investing In Digital Marketing

In a world where everyone is connected all the time through the use of technology, it only makes sense that companies would use this to their advantage. Digital marketing has expanded in strategy and use, as technology as a whole has become much more innovative. Now, there are ways to advertise or market your brand that you may not have even known were an option a few years ago.

It’s not enough to think of marketing as creating a TV advertisement and selecting a media slot for it. Neither is it enough to design a page fit for a magazine or newspaper to reach customers. Now, professionals like engineers and computer specialists are involved in the process.

Think about it, we know how the creative side of marketing works, but how are those ads strategically placed on our pages? There are intricate yet very popular ways in which these marketing techniques are executed.

In the last decade, the newest trend has been social media marketing. If you’re on Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, you’ve most likely clicked on content that was placed specifically for you to do just that.

These marketing techniques aren’t meant to be deceiving, but almost more convenient for both the seller and the consumer. Some are more in-your-face than others, but with technology evolving so rapidly, there are endless strategies when it comes to digital marketing.

Update your SEO practices

If you aren’t familiar with search engine optimization (SEO) practices, and you own a growing company, it’s something you should definitely invest in. In the most basic terms, search engine optimization helps you reach consumers that may be interested in your product or service through the channel of search engines.

Google being the most widely used search engine is the one in which most SEO consultants will work with. In order to bring your company to the top or near the top of the organic results when a consumer searches something, SEO consultants use ranked keywords that can help your company gain traction.

Basically, these professionals can help make your brand more discoverable. For a solid strategy, you should reach out to someone that specializes in this. Individuals like Jimmy Huh, an SEO consultant New York is one of the many out there with the expertise.

Spend time creating high-quality content

There’s no marketing trick that will get you the same results as creating and posting valuable and insightful content to your page. Utilizing SEO optimization and finding the right platforms to advertise on are key to a great digital marketing strategy, however, it’s important that just as much if not more time is spent on making sure the content being posted is engaging. Inc.com writes that, “posting relevant and valuable content drives traffic to your website and social media pages, while also increasing your ranking in search engines.

In fact, marketers who blog are 13 times more likely to experience positive return on investment, and companies that blog generate 67 percent more leads than those who don’t.” When you create a new content page on your site, another one is indexed, meaning it makes it easier for consumers to find you online. Content created by you for you also makes you stand out against competition, giving your company a voice and gives customers and insight to your culture.

Take a look at your email strategy

Another channel in which consumers are easily reached through technology is email. Social media and search engines are a great platform, but email is sent directly to the consumer you’re targeting and is also incredibly cheap. It costs next to nothing to send out an email and so it’s very effective when it comes to ROI. Now that people are able to access their email through their cellphones and better than that, they receive push notifications when an email comes in people are opening these email blasts at a higher rate. Emails are a great way to keep your brand on the mind of your consumers and are also a great way to market promotions and sales.


Identify if social media is right for your brand

While just a few short years ago social media was often correlated with teenagers and the younger generation, more and more adults are joining the system. Inc.com writes that 67% of people use social media specifically for customer service inquires, making it important for all companies to have some sort of presence or contact outlet via social media. Though many people are taking part in social media, different sites cater to different ages, interests, and demographics. For examples, Snapchat heavily targets younger generations whereas Facebook is more generalized. It’s important to run tests and research studies before launching a social media campaign or buying expensive advertisement times. Find out who is going to be seeing and interacting with your ads and go from there.


Make sure you’re going mobile

You may have encountered the question while you were surfing the web on your cellphone, would you like to continue with the mobile version of this page? Not all websites have this feature, but for some, it’s much easier to navigate when the content fits the page. Mobile versions also make it much easier for consumers to engage with your content and continue clicking through your material. If you haven’t yet, it’s important to check out how your site looks on a mobile device. If it’s extremely tough to navigate, you’re going to want to look into introducing a mobile version or even an app. More and more people are using their phones rather than their laptops or desktops to quickly find information. As that transition occurs, your brand needs to be ready to have the solution.


Digital marketing should provide a great return on investment if your strategy is executed properly. This requires professionals that are not only tech savvy, but also have a deep understanding of all the different tactics mentioned above.





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