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How push Notifications Revolutionized the Customer Engagement Industry

With all the developments in technology and the incorporation of technology in the world of marketing, you shouldn’t be still hesitating on incorporating push Notifications on your marketing strategy. They are short and sweet messages that grab user attention and at the same time decoy them to take action. Over the years, very many companies have rushed to push notifications and made them one of the most versatile channels for reaching customers.

Have you ever tried to figure out how marketing was before push Notifications? Have you ever asked yourself if companies and website owners had the same powers over the customers? Before the rise of push Notifications, people were still engaging with their customers. They were still getting some level of control over the actions of their customers on their websites and the app. However, the whole process was not as successful as it is today.

The reality of the matter is that you can never say that you have communicated anything if you didn’t get any response. One reason why many companies are running to push notifications for customer engagement is the reality that they have the ability to lure the customers into taking actions. Any customer would agree that if a customer has not responded, then he hasn’t received the message and is likely to take no actions.

The History of Push Notifications

Push Notifications have a long history. One thing is that the history was quiet and dominated the marketing industry without the notice of many. Their history dates back to the time when Blackberry Push Email was introduced in 2003. At this time, there was no other way of reading your emails while on the train. You only had to possess a blackberry to facilitate the process. RIM was by then the first and the only OS to use push Notifications for their emailing app.

This service was later spread all over and was widely used for free texting between Blackberry devices. After the introduction of this technology to the market by Blackberry, apple followed suit and introduced push Notifications in 2009. Apple was using APN service for push Notifications. Google was the next company to follow and it introduced the GCM (Google Cloud Messaging). The latest to launch the service was Android 4.2 Which was released with Rich Push.

Rich Push became a way of life because it contained images and action buttons. Images were used to convey messages beautifully to the customers and the action buttons are used to enable the user take immediate actions from a notifications. In 2014, another advancement was done by apple that made push notifications more effective. Apple added the Interactive buttons which give the users an opportunity to send a response right away to the app publisher.

The reality of the matter is that Push Notifications have undergone a series of evolution with several companies adding a tech to the equation. They have really underwent content format evolution, trigger points evolution and personalization scale evolution. There are several other phases that were completely phased out because of their pros.

If you are new in this topic, then ensure you learn Push Notifications as the first step in becoming versed in this topic.

Life before Push Notifications

Push Notifications have recently took internet marketing by storm and at the same time made mobile and computer devices the best means of marketing and increasing customer engagement. However, before they come into existence, Companies and individuals were still trying to reach their customers and increase the engagement. This time, Email marketing was the perfect and the simplest route of reaching and engaging with your customers. Email marketing is marked as one of the oldest marketing strategy in the market. However, with the introduction of push Notifications, email marketing has become old fashioned.

However, email marketing remains at the front page of trying to engage with the customers directly. According to experts, email marketing has never been old fashioned. It is still an efficient and a very effective method of creating emails to reach your customers out there. However, email marketing has several cons that have made many companies turn to push Notifications. They can easily be marked as spam and fail to communicate the intended message. They also don’t provide a nice channel to communicate a new product or even inform potential customers and customers while launching a product.

What this means is that while launching a new product, it is important to make your intentions known to the customers and also potential customers. There is no better way of reaching them than the use of Push Notifications. If you are a blogger, you can as well use web Push Notifications to inform your visitors of a new content that can be beneficial to them. If they are interested to read, they will probably take action and get directly to your website. This not only increases the number of traffic in your website but also creates a loyal base of visitors.

How Push Notifications have caused a storm?

Data from Mobile automation company Kahuma shows that if you venture into Push Notifications, they can increase click through rate by over 48 percent. The fact here is that these numbers are significantly high and no single company can afford to miss the opportunity.

The effectiveness of email marketing is on the fall and for this reason marketers have to look for other ways of reaching the same or even higher customer base. However, one thing that every marketer should know here is the cardinal rule of ‘’ value exchange. Although push Notifications may at least supplant a large portion of email marketing, marketers should not kill the goose. The reality of the matter is that people like low prices, discounts and also additional information about the products. However, this doesn’t guarantee the developers to bombard their customers with messages when going up and down on their daily activities.

Why Push Notifications have dominated mobile internet marketing?

  • Web Push Notifications give marketers an instant communication with the customers. The first thing here is that these notifications can be delivered without delays. What this means is that they can reach desktop and mobile device users instantly. They can reach their desktop’s browser or in the notification slider of the mobile device soon enough. As opposed to the emails which can delay or even be trapped as spam messages, Push Notifications have a clean path of reaching the user’s desktop or a mobile without any interruptions.
  • There’s assured delivery. The other reason why marketers like push Notifications is simply because they have come to cover one of the biggest flaws of email marketing. Email cannot assure you delivery because of several obstacles on the way. Most email users have spam filters which can at some point filter your messages as spam messages. Push Notifications are a 100 percent perfect communication channel with your customers.
  • Wide reach-Push Notifications work in all the big commanders of the internet. They work on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari which together dominate over 75 percent of the market. What this means for the marketer is that they have a chance of reaching a wide range of customers who spend a significant amount of their time online.
  • The other good thing is that they engage with both the customers and the visitors unlike emails which only engaged with the customers. If you turn to push Notifications, you have the opportunity to engage with the customers and visitors who can later turn into buyers. They only have to have enabled push Notifications on their apps or subscribed to receive notifications on their browsers. Push Notifications gives you a new opportunity to re-engage with your audience and also engage with new users.
  • Higher conversion rates. There are several studies that support the notion that push Notifications gives out better results when utilized the right way than any other marketing strategy including emails. The user is only allowed to subscribe to receive the notifications and that is it. They will as well communicate the intended message to the customers and in some greater measures lure them into taking action. What this means is that they increase the conversion rates and make your business a profitable venture by tapping customers and also trying to keep them.

The bottom line

There’s no doubt that push Notifications have changed the marketing industry. It is a new form of reaching your customers easily and keeping them updated on things that are happening in your shop and the website. With the growing recognoitio0n and the adoption of push Notifications in the marketing industry, there are several things that are transforming. One of it is the communication with the user. Marketers can reach them easily and communicate the intended message to the customers with no problems. One of the hardest things for marketers is how fast things move. With Push Notifications, this will be made easy. This is a huge advantage for the marketers.


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