How to create a Billboard and Graffiti effect in Photoshop ?
Sometime we are seeing some names are written on the walls and it,s really looks like old written text. Today i am going to show you How to create these effects in Photoshop. I am using Photoshop CS6 for this job, but you can do with old CS also.
OK, Lets start, Open your Wall picture in Photoshop and make duplicate layer of the background layer. Then select the color picker tool and choose your wall color.
Now Take the Text tool and Write your matter on the wall.
Take the Transform Tool (Ctrl + T ) and adjust your test.
Now open the Drop Shadow option.
now adjust your Drop Shadow setting as per your view
Now again open the Transform Tool ( Ctrl + T) but here Prespective option is disabled here.
Nothing to worry about it. Right click on the Text layer and select the Resterize type option.
This will turn your text in pixel layers. Now your Prespective option is enabled.
now adjust your text on your wall and decrease the Opticity. it will show pictures look like old text effect.
Now your Picture is ready. Enjoy your Billboard and Graffiti effect in Photoshop.
Thanks to Mr. Jessie Dillon to making great Photoshop effects.
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