How to create a Database in Filemaker Pro :-
If you are looking for database for Contact Management, Asset management, Document inventory, Expense report , Employee database , school attendance etc.. and you don’t have knowledge about database program then file maker pro program will be the best solution for it. Believe me it’s really easy to create database with filemaker pro, you just have to drag and drop your appropriate programs.
Filemaker pro comes with predefined templates, you can easily create your database with predefined templates and you are also able to create your own database with Filemaker pro.
In this article I am going to show How to create a Database in Filemaker Pro.
Open FileMaker pro and Click on the File > New from Starter Solution.
Here you have all the predefined database templates. Choose your database templates and click on the choose option, now you have to save your database file. Presently I want to create a database for “Contact management” . So I choose the “Contact management” .
You will see all the fields of contacts. Presently this field are not editable. To create a record, click on the New Record ( Ctrl + N ) windows.
Now you are able to enter your details here. Filemaker will automatically save your database. As you seen in below image, I entered my Name, Phone number, Email address, Website address and picture also.
If you want to enter new entry then again click on the New Record ( Ctrl + N) and enter your details here.
You can easily save your files in pdf or excel format. Click on the Preview. Here you have option to save this contact list database in Excel and PDF file format. And you can also manage your Print setup from here.
Suppose you have 1000 of contact list enter and you want ot search in this database. It,s too easy just press the Ctrl + F , and enter your First or last name or any field that you remember. It will show you your record.
Now here one question arise in your mind, this template is predefined and you want to edit some field, Like you want to add one field for Personal Website and you want to delete address field. Don’t worry about it J it,s too easy in Filemaker. Now you need to be work on the Layout Mode. Presently what work you done is in browse Mode. You will find the all mode in the left-side corner.
Now click on the Layout mode to enter in the Layout mode, Now here you are able to edit your layout.
Remove the Fields:-
Suppose here you don’t want to Address field, just select the address and press the Delete key to delete this entry.
Now click on the Save layout and then click on the Exit Layout entry. As you see in the below image, Address field entry removed. 🙂
Add New Fields:-
As you already removed the Address field entry, now I want to add one personal websites entry for my database. Now again you needs to be comes in Layout mode.
Select any field and press Ctrl + D to duplicate it. In below Image I selected the website field entry and I press the Ctrl + D to duplicate it. One Specify Field window will be open here. Select the create label here and click on the Ok.
Now drag the position as per your location.
Save your layout and exit layout. Your new field is ready for data entry in new field.
Your Work for creating database with FileMaker Pro is done here.
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In my future post I am going to write more and more on Filemaker. So stay connected. 🙂