Home Windows How to Increase Torrent Speed Upto 50%

How to Increase Torrent Speed Upto 50%

How to Increase Torrent Speed Upto 50% ?

Torrent are the main source for latest Software, games and movie. But most of the time we are not getting good speed. I am using u torrent as a torrent client. Torrent users would attest to the fact that half of our time is spent looking for ‘healthy’ torrents and the other half trying to download (and a bit of upload too) at the maximum speed. The former is mandatory; the latter thankfully is within the realm of tweaking.If you are the one who thinks that your torrent download speeds could do with a boost then keep reading.

Today i am going to Show you How easily you can increase torrent speed.

1. Enable Protocol Encryption                                                                                                       Go to Options > Preferences

then go to BitTorrent option and enable Protocol encryption there

 2. Change Bandwidth and Connection Setting

Open the Preferences > Bandwidth and set the setting as i mentioned in below picture

The maximum upload rate is the overall bandwidth you wish to use for active torrent uploads. Just input any value you wish, as it doesn’t have any impact on your network speed. If you’re using a Wi-Fi connection, it’s recommended to use a maximum of 2,000 kb/s.

The number of connections is the most essential part of the entire optimization process, as it controls the global maximum number of connections, the maximum number of connected peers per torrent and the number of upload slots per torrent. Power users are recommended to use a 200/50/4 configuration for around 4 or 5 active torrents (which can be further configured from the “Queueing” tab).

3. Change net.max_halfopen Setting :-                                                                                        Go to the preferences > Advanced setting. Bydefault net.max_halfopen is 100, change this value to 80

Now Enjoy your torrent download in high speed.

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