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How to Install BitTorrent in Kali Linux

How to Install BitTorrent in Kali Linux

How to Install BitTorrent in Kali Linux ?

BitTorrent is a protocol supporting the practice of peer-to-peer file sharing that is used to distribute large amounts of data over the Internet.

Since 2006, bittorrent sharing has been the primary means for users to trade software, music, movies, and digital books online. Torrents are very unpopular with the MPAA, the RIAA, and other copyright authorities, but are much beloved by millions of college and university students around the planet.

Today i am going to Show you How to Install BitTorrent in Kali Linux ?

open terminal and enter the following command

root@RumyKali:~# apt-get install qbittorrent

torrentit will ask you, Do you want to Continue then press Y for yes. Now type the

root@RumyKali:~# qbittorrent   then accept the agreement.


now it will open your torrent client


Now you need to add qbittorrent  in menu.

Go to Applications > System Tools > Preferences > Select the Main Menu. Now choose the New Item. in the Name Column enter Bittorent and in the command enter the qbittorrent and press OK.

torrent3Now qbittorrent is available in the Application menu. Enjoy torrent in kali.

Also check Installing and Removing Software in Backtrack5 R3

Hope you like my post.How to Install BitTorrent in Kali Linux. Please Share with others.


  1. hey ..
    root@Fumigen:~# apt-get install qbittorrent
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    E: Unable to locate package qbittorrent

    so do i need the source #

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