How to Manually Reset Your WordPress Admin Password :-
WordPress is one of the most used Content Management System ( CMS). In CMS, you have nothing to do with HTML or any other coding for creating your website. it,s just like work on Microsoft Word.
If you are Webmaster and stuck in a situation to forget your admin password then this tutorial is completely for you. 🙂
First thing when you forget your password then WordPress will provide you reset password the email. With your connected email address, you can easily reset your admin password but in this tutorial i am going to show you How to Manually Reset Your WordPress Admin Password with PhpMyadmin .
Open Cpanel and open phpMyAdmin in Database option.
Now choose your WordPress database and click on the WP-Users.
Now click on the Edit section.
Here you will find your password in Hash Format in User_pass section.
Now open and enter your  word that you want to create password. Now Copy the Hash value and Paste this hash value in the User_pass section.
Now Save this settings.
Your Password successfully changed. Enjoy your WordPress login again.
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