Open Your Local File With Google Chrome :-
Google Chrome is one of the most used and fast web-browser in present time. Google chrome is not limited to web-browser only, you can open many file extensions like word, excel, pdf , mp3 , mp4, flv etc. so you have no need to install so many software in your PC for just opening and viewing your local files.
Local Video and Audio Files :-
Just Right-click the video files or drag and drop in chrome tab. it will open your video files.
PDF Documents :-
Chrome has a built-in PDF viewer that will open the pdf files on the web. But if you want to open your local file, then select the chrome as a default pdf viewer.
it will open your local pdf file in a browser tab.
Word , Excel and PowerPoint Documents :-
By default, Chrome is not supporting word, excel and power point viewer. you need to be install a Chrome office Viewer extension . download now
now you have the option to open word ,excel and power point files.
Opening ZIP and RAR Files :-
By default Google chrome is not opening zip and rar files by default. you need to be install RollApp File Opener chrome extension from chrome web store. this will open Overall more than 100 different filetypes.
Following file types are currently supported by RollApp File Opener :-
- Documents:- Microsoft Word files: doc, docx; Rich Text files: rtf; OpenOffice Writer files: odt; Word Perfect files: wpd; PDFs and others
- Spreadsheets:- Microsoft Excel files: xls, xlsx; OpenOffice Calc files: ods, ots; Comma-Separated Values files: csv
- Presentations:– Microsoft PowerPoint files: ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx; OpenOffice Impress files: odp, otp
- eBooks:- epub, fb2, djvu and others
- ZIP, RAR and other archives
- Graphics:- jpg, png, bmp, gif, svg, tiff and many others including Adobe Photoshop’s psd and Adobe Illustrator’s ai
- Diagrams:- Microsoft Visio files: vsd and others like dia, fig
- Publishing systems files:- Adobe Illustrator files: ai; Scribus files: scd, sla; PostScript: eps, ps and others
Also Check :- Opening Files with Different File Formats
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