Home Internet Personal Analytics for Your Facebook Profile with Wolfram Alpha

Personal Analytics for Your Facebook Profile with Wolfram Alpha

Personal-Analytics-for-Your-Facebook-Profile-with-Wolfram-AlphaPersonal Analytics for Your Facebook Profile with Wolfram Alpha :-

Wolfram|Alpha, the world’s first and only computational knowledge engine, uses its expert-level knowledge and algorithms to answer questions, generate reports, and do analysis across thousands of domains. And the newest domain is your own life and social network, as seen through your Facebook!

Go to the http://www.wolframalpha.com/facebook/ and click on the Generate My report option. You will have to login in your facebook account and allow wolfram alfa to access your facebook profile.

Now create a wolfram Alpha ID

Now it will start to gather your facebook profile data

Now it will show you you

Basic Personal information :-

Activity Report :-

Post Statics :-

Friend Location :-

and many more.

Enjoy your facebook statics.

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