Home Apps Pool Monitor Is One of the Best Crypto Pool Monitors for Etherum...

Pool Monitor Is One of the Best Crypto Pool Monitors for Etherum & Various Other Currencies

Are you looking for a simple crypto mining monitor app for checking your current mining statistics? Well Pool Monitor for Android is not only simple to use, but offers tons of other functionalities that will most certainly be beneficial for your mining monitoring.

This free app has been launched recently and already it gained solid user base with almost perfect user reviews. Why? The reason is simple, it is indeed a great and really helpful monitoring tool for mostly etherum mining pools.

In general, the crypto mining monitoring app supports 3 pools: Ethermine, Ethpool and Nanopool. These pools all support Etherum (ETH) and Etherum Classic while also supported are SiaCoin (SIA), ZCASH (ZEC), Monero (XMR) and Pascal (PASC).

Multiple Useful Features That You Can Make Use Of

Once you download the app you need to relate it to your account. After the sign up process you will get tons of useful features for free. From monitoring of multiple pools, to workers and payments overview, Pool Monitoring can be really helpful and reliable. See the full list of features supported.

☑️ Multipools monitoring

☑️ Background pool monitoring

☑️ Crypto mining setup overview

☑️ Workers overview (mining statistics)

☑️ Payments overview (mining statistics)

☑️ Estimated earnings (precalculation)

☑️ Customizable alarms and notifications

Now the notification feature is maybe the feature we liked the most as it makes very easy to manage and analyze anything that is important. You can customize your alarms and notifications additionally to take full control of the app.

At the end of the day with the great set of features, notifications that you can customize, great statistics and overview (especially useful for users with many workers), Pool Monitoring is most definitely a mining monitoring tool that you don’t want to miss. Download for free on Google Play.


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