Home Internet The Must-Have Men’s Accessories

The Must-Have Men’s Accessories

There are a few things that we think every man should have. While men can be fabulously attractive in their au-natural state, they should accessorise a little too. For men to always look fabulously stylish, while also looking like they haven’t tried ‘too hard’ these are a few things every man should have.

Most men have one or two of the below accessories. We suggest you get them all. The most important, and possibly the one that will last longest and be the most valuable, will be a luxury timepiece. But go through our list and as you make your purchases, tick them off!


A good pair of sunglasses are essential. Men who wear sunglasses seamlessly look good. A fabulous pair of stylish glasses, while sitting back and sipping on a glass of red wine, are sexy. Men who wear good quality sunglasses are instantly appealing. Spend money on a good pair and take care of them.

Luxury watches

A man only needs to own one luxury watch to feel and look stylish. Of course, once you own one luxury watch you may want another, but start off slowly. Any man who wears a pair of jeans, a simple white shirt and a luxury watch, looks stylish and elegant immediately. Some nice watches for men are the essential accessory – one that is easy to wear, but makes all the difference to an outfit, without much effort.

White shirts

Simple white cotton shirts are a must in any man’s wardrobe. And put with a pair of jeans, makes a look smart and stylish immediately. Team this outfit up with your sunglass and luxury watch above, and hey, the world is your oyster. In a very understated way.

Good socks

Most men take off their shoes and walk around the house in their socks.  If you are going to do this, buy good socks!  Socks that pick up dirt, wear quickly and look scruffy are just horrible.  Buy yourself a few good pairs of socks and you’ll always look clean, attractive and elegant too.


Yes, men must moisturise too. It’s a good idea to start doing this when you’re a teen and keep moisturising, morning and night. Buy a moisturiser that works for your skin type and use it religiously.


There is nothing more attractive than a man who wears a luxurious cologne. Spend money on a good and delicious cologne and you may just find women lining up to see you. Or men!

A dark suit

This is not so much an accessory as it is a necessity. Rather than buy yourself a few cheap suits, buy one very good suit. Keep it dark which means it is stylish, elegant and can be used for any occasion. A good suit can be for weddings, the theatre, any special occasion, and if you must, for work.


We are going to say the jury is out on this one. We feel a luxury watch is something every man should and must have. But rings, bracelets and necklaces – they don’t always work for men.  Cufflinks do, for sure, and if you wear long sleeved shirts, a good pair of cufflinks is an important accessory to have. You may even want diamond-studded ones.

Running shoes

Buy yourself a decent pair of shoes for your workout or jogging. There is actually nothing more unattractive than a man in dirty shoes. Old is okay, dirty is not. Buy a good pair, keep them clean and look after them.  And when they’re getting really scruffy, get a new pair.

Good leather shoes

Yes! Every man should have at least one pair of good black leather shoes in his cupboard, and if possible, a good pair of black leather shoes too. They look great with jeans, make any outfit look elegant and will always come in use.  Wear them with the good quality socks we mentioned above.

Gym towel

This is a little tongue in cheek but actually, everyone who should go to gym. Buy yourself a nice gym bag, gym clothing and have a functional and CLEAN gym towel. Your body will look good after your workout and so will you.

We could add a few more things, like a puppy or a dog! But actually, a man just needs to be well-groomed, have a decent haircut, wear a nice fitted pair of jeans, wear a good white shirt, a clean pair of shoes, put on his fabulous luxury watch, don his sunglasses and go out. There is something very stylish and elegant about a man who keeps his look simple, clean but most definitely, groomed. Spray a little cologne, perhaps add a fedora, and feel and look fabulous.


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