Home Windows Unknown Windows Run Command

Unknown Windows Run Command

Unknown Windows Run Command

Unknown Windows Run Command ?

Run command is most helpful feature in windows based OS to open a particular services. I am also a big fan of run commands. Most of the IT professional knows the most of run command.

Today i am going to show you some Unknown Windows Run Command that’s are really helpful

1. Open your Home directory

A home directory is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system. The specifics of the home directory (such as its name and location) is defined by the operating system involved; for example

To open run command (Win +R) and type “.” – a single dot. and hit enter

Unknown Windows Run Command

it will open your Home directory

Unknown Windows Run Command

 2. Open the User Directory

open run command (Win +R) and type “..” – a double dot. and hit enter

Unknown Windows Run Command

it will open your user directory

Unknown Windows Run Command

 3. Open My Computer

open run command (Win +R) and type “” – a Triple dot. and hit enter

Unknown Windows Run Command

 4. Open System drive

The system volume refers to the disk volume that contains the hardware-specific files that are needed to start Windows, such as Ntldr, Boot.ini, and Ntdetect.com.

On computers that are running the Intel x86 line of CPU processors and later versions, the system volume must be a primary volume that is marked as active. This requirement can be fulfilled on any drive on the computer that the system BIOS searches when the operating system starts.

open run command (Win +R) and type “  “and hit enter

Unknown Windows Run Command

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