Home Windows Wallet Factory White Label Digital Wallet

Wallet Factory White Label Digital Wallet

Wallet Factory is a modern company, which proposes a high-level business solution for business representatives. The main task of the corporation is to develop modern mobile ( Digital Wallet ) products that might be able to improve the financial activities of telecommunication companies and keep in safe the digitized values.

The company successfully coped with the task and created a digital wallet, which was designed for logistic operators, telecommunications service providers, retail dealers, financial institutions, and other corporations that are directly or indirectly connected with financial transactions. It’s critical to underscore that each client uses the mobile wallet under its own brand.

After some data researching, it has transpired that at the end of the 2018 year the Wallet Factory financial wallet was chosen by 1.5 million users. Representatives from nearly 14 countries made such a decision and still successfully use special program for online, in-app, and in-store payments. Mentioned wallet proposes the full range of financial transactions, moreover, the Wallet Factory periodically improves its product by modern design implementation, new marketing tools, and IT solutions. All these components help to evolve the multifunctional and reliable project for various businesses areas.

White Label digital wallet solutions

The mentioned m wallet app has got considerable popularity in the business world for a serious reason. It presents a required capability set, among which the most noteworthy services are:

  • domestic and international money transfers accepting.
  • payments performing via Masterpass and Masterpass QR technologies.
  • invoicing with data displaying.
  • gift certificates presenting.
  • different finance operations performing, etc.

The white label crypto exchange can have dealings with absolutely diverse tokens. It proposes the operations with fiat currency, electronic money, the most widespread cryptocurrencies, and with petrol cards. All the banking procedures are greatly protected because the White Label wallet app uses not only classic phone authorization, but also a special 4-digit PIN code or fingerprint authentication. In addition to these security solutions, the Wallet Factory product can be linked to the Telegram messenger and provide the customers with high-quality support in a chat form.


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