Home Internet What Is Life Coaching & How Can It Help You?

What Is Life Coaching & How Can It Help You?

Life coaching is often confused with therapy. However, life coaching often deals with the now and the present and then positively moving forwards regarding shaping your future. Therapy on the other hand, often focuses on your past events and then processing through these events to achieve your personal goals. Coaching is also based on an equal partnership where the client and the coach work together as a team to achieve an agreed upon outcome. Whereas therapy often takes on the form of a patient/therapist relationship which can usually follow a traditional therapy model.

If you are unsure of what coaching will entail or what the process may be like, many coaches usually offer an initial consultation (often free of charge) to allow you to discuss your current situation and goals for your life and then to determine whether coaching is the right path for you to take. This free consultation period naturally allows you to take the opportunity to talk to your prospective life coach and to then decide whether or not the coach is the right coach for your personal needs and goals.

Although some people may experience feelings of overwhelming emotion during coaching, this is a natural part of the process of changing your life. By looking at yourself and then looking at your life in a more objective way will enable you to clearly see what you would like to work towards and achieve with your life in all of the various different aspects of your life like your relationships, career, health, happiness, finances, learning, and personal life. Coaching is ultimately an exploration of the self and often reveals new interests, passions and different paths for you to follow for your life.

A positive change in one area of your life will naturally impact all of the other areas of your life positively too. Therefore, by assessing and addressing your core beliefs that you possess it is very much possible for you to effect the necessary changes in the many areas of your life simultaneously in one shot. Life coaching also encourages you to remove the boundaries and limitations you may have placed upon yourself and allow you to become more creative, and motivated to be successful.

Regarding the length of coaching sessions, there are no hard rules to be followed. Coaching sessions are usually between 60 and 90 minutes in length and can take place once a week. Numerous different studies have shown that it can take around 21 days to form a new habit, or a new way of living. With this statistic in mind, a coaching schedule of six, one-hour, weekly sessions is more than enough to make a significant change in your life and way of living to ensure you are on the path towards achieving your goals. With the internet, it is very easy to find a life coach and to access your life coach for the weekly coaching sessions.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to hiring a life coach such as improving your standard of living, and becoming a better version of yourself to achieve your goals. It is now very easy to stay in touch with your life coach with the internet, making this process very convenient and easy to follow. With free consultations being offered by life coaches there is no time like the present to invest in yourself, invest in your future, and try a life coaching service.



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