If you have ever dreamed about seeing your website on the first page of Google search results you need to start working on your link building skills today.
One of the main factors that Google (and other search engines) use to determine rankings is the number of quality backlinks your site gets from other websites. You need to look at backlinks like recommendations from other sites.
1. Backlinks, Referrals, And Recommendations
A link from another website is like one of your customers recommending your business to one of their friends. Google looks at these links as validation of all the good work you have done.
And just like your customers, some backlinks are more valuable than others. Getting a link from a well-known association in your industry will carry more weight than a link from a brand-new personal blog that doesn’t cover your industry.
It used to be that the site with the most backlinks ranked highest, but those days are over. Too many websites abused this practice and would get links from random sites that had nothing to do with their business.
Now the search engines are looking for links from relevant sites. If you are a plumber, you should be getting links from home improvement sites and the like.
2. Quality Over Quantity
Getting quality backlinks will take some time and effort but the results will be worth it. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by guest posting.
This simply means providing content for another website that has authority in your industry. Not only does this position you and your business as a trusted voice but will also provide you with a valuable link to your site.
Most sites that accept guest posts will allow you to place a link back to your site in the bio section of the post. But you should also put one or more backlinks in your guest post that will lead the reader to more information they may need. Just make sure you are linking back to content that will help the reader solve their problem.
3. Link Building for Fun and Profit
Aside from reaching to authoritative websites, there are many services and software packages out there that can help you build links back to your site.
Many businesses use PureLinq to build quality links and increase their ranking. You can also decide to build links yourself. When it comes to SEO and link building there is a solution for every budget.
Whichever option you choose just make sure to build links consistently. This will give you a leg up on the competition. The search engines are constantly evaluating your website and they want to see growth. Not just in the number of links your site is receiving but the amount of content you are producing.
You need to view link building as an ongoing process. It should be an integral part of your marketing efforts.
SEO must become an important part of your marketing strategy, and link building is the cornerstone of your SEO strategy. Whether you use PureLinq or decide to do it yourself, you must focus on building quality backlinks to your site if you want to compete in the marketplace today.