Home Internet WordPress Site Hacked – Redirecting to Another Site

WordPress Site Hacked – Redirecting to Another Site

WordPress Site Hacked - Redirecting to Another Site

WordPress Site Hacked – Redirecting to Another Site

Yesterday night one strange thing happened with my one website. it,s going redirect to www.yllix.com.

Today i am going to Show you How Easily you resolve this kind of malicious activity of website redirecting. This kind of attack is called as DNS cache Posionging.

DNS cache poisoning, also known as DNS spoofing, is a type of attack that exploits vulnerabilities in the domain name system (DNS) to divert Internet traffic away from legitimate servers and towards fake ones.

A DNS cache contains entries that translate Internet domain names *such as “www.rumittips.com“) to IP addresses. The Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS) involves caching on both Internet DNS servers and on the client computers that contact DNS servers. These caches provide an efficient way for DNS to efficiently keep the Internet synchronized as the IP addresses of some servers change and as new servers come online.

Now lets Start, Open your Cpanel ( your Hosting site control Panel)

Go to Files > File manager > In Document Root choose your website and click on the Go. ( This location will be may be different for hosting sites. presently i am using http://www.hostgator.com/ for this demonstation.)

then select your WWW directory and choose wpsetting.php file, Right click on it and select the code edit option.

Now check any line that looking abnormal like

WordPress Site Hacked - Redirecting to Another Site

Delete this particular line and click on the Save Change option to Save.

WordPress Site Hacked - Redirecting to Another Site

Your work Finsih. Now you are able to open your WordPress site without redirect.

Verification of Your Website status :- 

Open http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/scanner/ and enter your website name. it will show you your website status.

WordPress Site Hacked - Redirecting to Another Site

In my next article i will write How to Secure your wordpress site. Just Follow me.

Hope you like my post WordPress Site Hacked – Redirecting to Another Site. Please Share with others.

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