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If you have a vehicle, then you need to know about these side hustles

If you are wondering how to generate some extra money in your free time, then you are no doubt researching every side hustle idea under the sun right now. There is an infinite selection to choose from, and while many sound compelling, they will take a deceptive amount of time, effort and skill to do effectively.


However, if you own a car, van or truck, then you might have the answer parked right under your nose. This is because there are a number of part-time jobs you can do that involve your vehicle, and that will earn you money, get you out of the house, allow you to meet new people and see more of the country.

These jobs include finding haulage jobs if you own a truck, or becoming a cab driver in your spare time, which is particularly useful if you want a no-strings-attached side hustle to do in the evenings, for example. 

Lastly, you could offer a house removal service, where you offer your car, van or truck to those needing to move house. Whether you have them insured on the vehicle themselves, or you offer to drive and help with lifting, it is a great way of earning money either full or part-time. 

Here are three side hustles you need to know about if you own a vehicle:

Find haulage jobs online

The first great side hustle you need to know about is haulage driving. While this is usually a full-time occupation, if you happen to own a heavy goods vehicle, then it is a great way of making use of it and earning good money in the process. 

Haulage driving is when you transport goods over a long distance. The load is packed and stacked in one depot, and delivered to another – often in another state or even country, depending on where you live. 

You may be wondering how you can find part-time haulage work, because it is not a job you see advertised in the local paper.

This is where a load board comes in. A load board is a website that advertises haulage jobs, such as the one you will find at: https://www.shiply.com/us/load-board. You can quote the customer a price for an individual job, and if it is accepted, you can do the job. 

Become a cab driver in your spare time

Alternatively, you could become a cab driver. This is an ideal option if you aren’t looking to give up the day job, but you have some free time on your hands, and you want to put your car or minivan to good use. 

You will have to sign up to a licensed taxi service (or app-based alternative like Lyft or Uber), and ensure you pass all the background checks. Once this is done, you are ready to start earning some extra cash. 

Offer to help people move house

Another option is to become a part-time house removal service, helping people in the local area move house. 

This can be as professional as you want it to be, ranging from a casual favor for a friend to a fully-fledged business. 

House removal services charge good money, and are a great way of earning money from occasional work, rather than a consistent job.