Writing a screenplay is not a small undertaking. In not much more than 100 pages, a screenwriter must clearly and concisely present a coherent and gripping story, complete with rich characters and interesting dialogue and action, all while following the standard screenplay format. Whether you are aspiring screenwriter, film student or just a writing enthusiast, today we want to introduce you with Story Compass. The app which will help you learn about screenplay structures, help you analyze them in your favorite movies and overall help improve your story-writing.
The importance of a structured screenplay
Story Compass’s concept is to help its users better understand the theories behind the structures of well-constructed screenplay and learn how successful filmmakers and writers execute the turning points of a story. The app provides an insight in the creation of a solid story structure and helps the users implement the story paradigms in their own writing. It shines a light on the importance of the structure as a most essential tool for writing a story.
Story Compass’s features
Story Compass have multiple useful features. The first one are the multiple story paradigms (The Hero Journey, 15-bit Structure, Seven-Step Story Spine, etc.) configured into the format of story wheels. This presentation of the story paradigms provides better visual comparisons of the theories. Alongside the story wheels the app also provides a study guide synopsis of the paradigms with a summarized brake down of each beat of the story that can be accessed by tapping on the wheel. But what we found as the most interesting and useful feature of the app is the timing utility that can be used to analyze how filmmakers use the paradigms and implement them in their movies, while watching the film. You can set the length of the movie and its end credits for more precision and the app also has a movie theater feature to control brightness so no one is disturbed if you use the app at the cinema.
Story Compass is truly a great helper for everyone who is immersed into studying the methods of screenplay writing, and writing in general so we urge you to try it if you want to become better at constructing a great story. You can buy the app for only $5.99 at Google Play Store or the App Store.
Google Play Store download link: Story Compass
App Store download link: Story Compass
Official Website Link: Story Compass