Home Internet 3 Tips On Selecting A Blog Name

3 Tips On Selecting A Blog Name

The very first step in finding a memorable blog name is selecting your topic. If you are not sure what your niche is, there are a few methods of finding a good blog topic.

Choosing A Blog Topic

  • Passions And Hobbies

Hobbies and interests that you feel passionate about are the best places to begin. Travel, fashion, parenting, cooking, sports, and cars are all excellent examples. However, even blogs about more incomprehensible hobbies can be successful, since your target audience can be literally anyone in the world using the web.

  • Life Experiences

Everyone has learned lessons through life experience they gained over the years. Sharing your knowledge can be incredibly useful to others that are going through similar experiences. For instance, if you are a mom, you can share tips, knowledge, and experience with new or existing moms about you have been through and learned along the way. Think about the things you’ve experienced in your own life. It could be family-related, work-related, or other experiences like going through a divorce or happy moments like the birth of your baby or your wedding.

  • A Personal Blog

A personal blog relates to you. This will include various topics from the activities you engage in on a daily basis, to random musings and thoughts. This is an excellent way of sharing your thoughts with the rest of the world without being restricted to just one topic. Have a look at hostingfoundry.com for useful comparisons about web hosting agencies.

Once you’ve chosen a topic, it is time for selecting a blog name.

Choosing A Descriptive Blog Name

A well-chosen blog name must be descriptive for potential readers to immediately grasp what your blog is about just by reading the name. If your blog is limited to one topic, then you would want to include it in your blog name somehow Try not to be too hung-up on just a single word. For instance, a cooking blog doesn’t have to contain the phrase cooking in it. The words recipes, food, and meals can also tell people that the blog is about cooking. If the plan is to establish a personal blog where a variety of topics are covered, then its best to use your own name, or a variation of it since the blog is about you. Now that you have chosen a blog name, it is time to think about a domain extension.

Choosing A Domain Extension

A .com domain extension is the most well-liked option; however, .org or .net, also work well. For a blog domain, you can’t include spaces between words. Therefore, Blogging with Michelle will become blogginwithmichelle.com. After choosing the name and extension, you must check if no one else has already registered such a domain name. Also, note, you can’t use punctuation or spaces in your domain name apart from dashes.

If Your Chosen Domain Is Already Taken, You Can Consider The Following:

  • Try using a different domain extension – if a .com name is already registered, you may still be able to use .net or .org.
  • Add small words – you can add words like my, a, or the. For instance, choose TheBloggingexpert instead of Bloggingexpert.
  • Adding dashes between the words – for instance, Blogging-with-Michelle.


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