Home Internet Law Firm Website Design: Working With A Website Designer

Law Firm Website Design: Working With A Website Designer

While many law firms have been in existence for years, their online presence is marked by the deployment of a website. Without a website, a law firm may not enjoy the dividends associated with an online presence. However, when considering a website for your legal practice, there is a need to know and understand that website design and development plays an important role in the overall success of your online platform.

Whether you are working from a high rise building in the center of the town or small office space, the efforts invested in the design of your website can make all the difference in terms of lead generation and client conversion. To ensure that your online presence realizes its aims, you need to work with a web design agency like social fire starter that boasts years of experience and industry-specific knowledge necessary to drive traffic to your website and increase lead generation and conversion.

Before delving into choosing a website designer for your law firm’s needs, first, you need to decide whether you should choose a DIY approach, hire a freelancer or an agency.

DIY Web Design vs. Web Designer

While DIY web design may appear to be cost-saving in the long run, chances are that this may overall affect your ability to generate leads thus leading to a significant loss.

Below are some of the reasons why it is not always recommended that you choose a DIY approach to the law firm website design process.

– Time

Designing a website for your law firm is a time-consuming process and this means that you would have to spend a huge amount of time on the process, directly affecting your legal practice and the revenue generated.

Consider the number of billable hours that would go into a DIY website design and the estimated amount a web design agency like Social Fire Starter would charge for a professional service.

– Result

When designing a website, there is a need to have a clear cut goal in mind. However, a DIY approach to website design may mean you have to cut down on your expectations as the outcome may not necessarily meet the standards which you have earlier set out to achieve. This, in essence, will mean you have wasted valuable hours with no return.

– Ethics

Law firm websites are different from all other websites and this is because there are certain guidelines and ethical rules that have to be honored. Without the knowledge of what your law firm website can say or not, you may be doing more harm to your legal practice than you intend to.

Choosing A Website Designer For Your Law Firm

Choosing a law firm web designer can be a daunting task, especially as you deserve the best. Below are some of the things to look out for when in search of a web design agency like Social Fire Starter to handle your law firm web design needs.

– Experience

When choosing a website designer for your law firm’s needs, one of the very first factors to consider is the experience the designer has handling such projects as this. It is recommended that you choose a website designer that is specifically targeted at law firms as a one-size-fits-all approach can lead to regrets, especially when your website fails to meet the desired goals.

The experience of the law firm will affect how they handle the process, will significantly lessen the turnaround time and also boost the quality of website design services offered.

Also, it is important to consider the website designer’s attention to customer experience. Is your website designer customer-focused?

– Ethics

Designing websites for law firms is a technical process especially as some ethics must be honored. You should choose a web design agency like Social Fire Starter that is familiar with the ethics rules of your jurisdiction. While you are responsible for the content that goes into your website, a perfect and updated knowledge of ethics rules of your jurisdiction can help the website designer ensure that your website is compliant.

Be sure that the website design company you are working with understands what you can say on your website and what you can’t say.

– Website Designer’s Responsiveness

One of the key factors to consider when choosing a web designer for your law firm’s needs is their responsiveness to queries and questions. You want to make sure that the web design service provider is one that offers prompt replies to questions and maintains a good level of communication with you from the start through to the end of the project.

– Web Design Portfolio

Your website designer’s portfolio is an insight into the quality of the website you will get. By looking through the company’s portfolio, you can determine whether you will be presented with a satisfactory website or not.

– Turnaround Time

A web design agency like Social Fire Starter with several years of experience is capable of delivering high-quality website design services in the shortest possible time, enabling clients to test, review and deploy their new websites as fast as possible. It is recommended that you discuss turnaround time with the web design company and ensure that they can deliver within the given time frame.

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