Home Internet Determine Optimum location for Speedy WLAN Connection

Determine Optimum location for Speedy WLAN Connection

Determine Optimum location for Speedy WLAN Connection

Determine Optimum location for Speedy WLAN Connection ?

The Slow internet connection goes hand with the quality of the WLAN connection. Several parallel wireless networks probably have a bad influence on each other. Determine Optimum location for Speedy WLAN Connection is really important for fast WiFi Connection.

As far as possible, opt for an unused channel when installing a wireless network. This is however barely possible with heavy wireless traffic like in apartment complexes. In addition to the channel number, you must also take into consideration the actual signal strength of the individual channels with Inssider tool. This tool also allows you to analyze your clients radio environments in real time.

Today i am going to show you How easily you can Determine Optimum location for Speedy WLAN Connection including  Wireless channel number, Security type, Mac-address of device and wireless standard with Inssider tool.

Download and install Inssider tool

Determine Optimum location for Speedy WLAN Connection

it will show you all wireless information like SSID name , Signal Strength , Channel number , Security , mac-address and wireless standard.

If your present channel number is same with your neighbors then change it with unused channel.

For this open your router interface, to open this find out your IP-address of router with Ipconfig command on the command prompt. Default gateway address is your Router IP-address.

Run > cmd > ipconfig


Now open in your browser and enter your credentials. Go to Wireless > General Wireless setting > select the channel option and change it.

Determine Optimum location for Speedy WLAN Connection

After selecting good channel, you will get a really good internet connection.

This is same concept like, if two radio FM channel will run on same frequency then it will collide and it will give better result.

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