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Essential Steps to Becoming a Successful Web Developer

The world is advancing to such an extent that it has taken the form of a global village. Technological advancement is bringing numerous changes in the life of a modern individual. It appears that there is a race to become a web developer. The important question is how one can become a successful web developer. Given below are some of the steps, which can assist in standing apart from the crowd:

-Follow The Passion

Before becoming a web developer, it is important to realize whether a person has passion in this field. If the answer to this specific question is yes, then it is wise to follow the passion. A person following his or her passion is likely to become more successful in the overall process. The individuals belonging to the age of information technology do not prefer to go on a 9-5 job but rather prefer to work from their home and enjoy a sedentary lifestyle.

-Reason To Become A Web Developer

After recognizing the fact that becoming the web developer is a passion, the next step involves asking the question to one, which is what the main reason to become a web developer is. The answer to this specific question can be:

-Earning more income

-Make the world a better place

-Becoming famous

-Building a portfolio

-Gaining experience

There can be numerous answers to this question however, it is important to find the one, which is most suitable.

-Back-end vs. Front-end Web Development

Depending on the preference level and interest, a person can select between the back-end web development and the front-end web development. The choice has to base on the interest solely as a person following his or her interest is likely to be more productive than others who are simply following the crowd. There is a possibility that an individual might be interested in doing both.

-Follow A Guideline

After deciding the web development as the career and following the passion seriously, the next step involves following a certain guideline. It is important to give oneself some time in order to learn the art of web development. It is wise to take time to learn things perfectly in order to apply them well and generate income. Attracting clients for the business is a crucial step. In order to become a freelancer, it is very important to understand the business essentials and the way a person can reach the various companies, and organizations for gaining more work. There is also a constant need to increase and update the knowledge in order to keep pace with the fast-changing era of modernization and information technology.

-Cut Down The Distractions

In order to become successful in life, it is highly important to cut down the distractions. The world is full of entertainment, which is a huge distraction to the path of success. A person sitting down to work on the laptop can become highly indulge in social media and might waste hours without even realizing the significance of time. It is very important to focus on the essentials in order to be more productive and successful eventually.

-Online Presence

Being a part of the modern age is not that easy. It requires an online presence in the virtual world. Having an online presence is likely to attract more clients as it serves as the credible source. The clients can easily look for the portfolio and can thus rely on the web developer without any doubt. Hiring a person who has no online presence is quite risky for the clients of the modern age as there are chances of fraud.

 -Portfolio & Website

In order to have an online presence it is very important to have a personal website or in case of a company, the website of the company for the web developer is extremely important. The website can display the portfolio of the web developer and hence there is a possibility to increase the client base without even trying to pitch for more work.

-Be Smart & Productive

When working as a web developer it is important to be smart and productive. Some people spend a lot of time in doing things, which are not even necessary, however, doing things the smart way is likely to give a higher output. Being smart can lead to being more productive.

-Action Is Important Than Words

There is a saying, “Action speaks louder than words.” It fits quite well in this specific scenario as a person who shows better performance is likely to become quite famous in the community as compared to a person who simply has a lot of knowledge. It is about doing more rather than just knowing more.

-Keep Learning

It is important to keep learning and focus on the growth. A person who stops learning is likely to lag behind in the race of productivity.If you prefer to learn from scratch, you may look for startup companies in Seattle or in areas near your location. Being part of a startup will help you learn on your own and suggest your ideas with greater freedom compared when applying for a job in an already established company.

-Pricing Principle

It is very hard to decide the price of the project especially if a person is working as a freelancer. However, it goes for the salary as well when a person has to negotiate for the salary. It is important to use professional documents to create a powerful impression, such as a quotation template to determine the pricing for the projects or an invoice template to create a professional invoice.

-Experience Is The Key

It is highly important to gain some experience in the field as a person with experience grabs the attention of maximum clients. A client would prefer to hire an individual who already knows the job rather than a beginner and need to learn everything from scratch about the market.

-Networking Is Crucial For Success

In order to gain more work and experience, it is important to go to different social events and socialize. Networking is extremely important especially if a person is working as a freelancer. For an introvert, it might be tough but getting out of the comfort zone is the key to success and a successful business.


Becoming a web developer can be an amazing career if the individual takes all the necessary measure to become successful. Life is full of hurdles but overcoming the challenge is the key to success, which requires a lot of hard work and determination.



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