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What Should You Maintain To Boost Your Writing Skills

Crafting a topnotch essay is not much fun; even the professional essay writers will tell you that. However, regardless of the purpose of the essay, the format is the same. For that reason, you need to learn how to craft a good essay in order to deliver an excellent paper.

The good thing is that essay writing is something you can learn to write once you understand the basics. Remember the aim of essay writing is to make you as a student to prove your intellectual abilities by crafting thoughtful arguments from a given topic and within a given number of words.

To provide a good essay, you need to have a solid and a debatable thesis which is backed up by relevant evidence which could be from your own findings or other sources.

We understand it can be a daunting task to write a good essay and that’s why after working closely with different professionals from different college essay writing services, we came up with these practical tips to help you boost your writing skills.

Let’s dive right inside.

  1. Have an Outline

As mentioned earlier that essays can serve different purposes but all have one structure/format/outline and so you should start by understanding what your essay will entail. In this case, you need to make an outline before you start writing the actual essay.

Usually, the structure of an academic essay starts with an introduction where you expound on why the topic is important; the thesis statement where you summarize the key points you are going to use in the entire essay. The next part is the body of the essay where you include independent paragraphs each providing an explanation to support the thesis and finally the conclusion where you round up the entire essay using few sentences.

  1. Understand the Basic Style of an Essay, Grammar, and Punctuation

To draft an essay that is professional, you need to use good grammar, punctuate your sentences appropriately and use an appropriate style of an essay. This way, your tutor will understand all your arguments with ease. For that reason, you need to learn basic grammar such as the verbs to use, pronouns and use appropriate sentence structure.

Ensure to observer where and how to use a comma and a period as well.

  1. Write in the Active Voice

To boost your writing skills it is recommended to use active voice instead of passive voice.  For instance, the sentence: Jane wrote this essay is in active voice but, This essay was written by Jane is in the passive voice. This is meant to strengthen the tone of your essay. But you need to avoid including transition phrases and be brief with your lingo.

  1. Repetition is an Essay Killer

Whether you are writing a 5-page term paper about one topic or several ideas, if you want to boost your writing skills, you need to shun repetition. Repeating yourself shows lack of ideas or laziness and can hurt your essay.

To help you deal with repetition in your essay, here are some tips:

  • Get rid of all the repetitive words from your essay
  • Replace words with something that means the same. For instance, instead of mentioning a name, you could use her or him.
  1. Know the Meaning of the Vocabularies You Use on Your Essay

When it comes to academic essay writing, your language usage matters a lot. You are writing your essay to prove your expertise by arguing intelligently. You do not have to use complex vocabularies which could mean the opposite of what you are intending to say. In this case, it is good to know the meaning of the word before you use it to avoid using it inappropriately.

  1. Learn to Check Your Essay for Errors

Spell checking takes a moment and it can save you big time. You could be embarrassed to submit your essay with a misspelled word like not where you meant nor, or but where you meant buy.

Also, check the suggested synonyms so that you do not replace a word with another one which could end up changing the meaning of the whole sentence. Ensure to read over your paper carefully, to detect every error that could have slipped through your eyes when writing before you submit the essay.

  1. End Your Essay with a Good Conclusion to Back up Your Research

If you want to boost your writing skills, ignore this part at your own peril when writing an academic essay. While this part of an academic essay is important, you will be shocked by the number of students who overlook it.

This is where you are supposed to wrap up your essay by supporting the thesis statement. You should not rewrite your thesis statement here, but you should provide an overview of the evidence you have provided in the body section of the essay.

Final Words

Boosting your writing skills is no magic; it’s a matter of creating an outline, using proper grammar, punctuation, and writing in the appropriate essay style, putting your words in the active voice, eliminating all the repeated words/phrases, using vocabularies where they are supposed to be used, spell checking your essay and ending with a solid conclusion. It’s that easy.



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