Home Internet 4 Tech Projects That Are Easier than You Think

4 Tech Projects That Are Easier than You Think

It’s impossible to keep up with the growth and pace of technology sometimes. One minute you’re buying the newest iPhone and the next week they’re already releasing a better version. You may know how to ALT+CTRL+DEL and that’s about the extent of your computer knowledge.

However, there are some tech activities and projects that sound quite complex or difficult but in reality, are much simpler than they seem from the outside. With a little bit of dedication and willingness to learn, you can dive headfirst into any one of the following things.

Learning to Code

Woah, woah, woah you may be thinking. While on your internet browser, you may have accidentally pressed CTRL+U and seen a bunch of weird letters, numbers and symbols pop up. If not, go ahead and give it a try now.

That right there is HTML code, and it’s the background of all types of technology. How can you ever wrap your mind around that?

While it may seem like a bunch of mangled gibberish, it’s essentially just language with different commands and functions.

Turns out, you don’t have to be a super computer geek to get a good grasp of it. There are tons of free coding websites that will teach you the basics, like how to set up text paragraphs, placing images and managing headers.

Why should you learn to code? It’s a good skill for any job and even having a basic understanding can put you ahead of the pack, especially if you’re pursuing something with marketing or anything that deals with having an online presence.

Speaking of online presence…

Making a Website

Making a website may sound like a difficult task because it sounds like such a HUGE task. You’ve got to add lots of pages, photos and make sure it all connects easily.

No matter if you’re running a blog, advertising your business or something completely different, making a website is so easy, even a caveman with a computer and internet connection could do it.

The hardest part of making your website might be choosing the name and making sure the domain exists. After that, there are lots of tools that will help you with everything from adding text to aligning your photos perfectly.

So instead of worrying about the ins and outs, just start thinking of the coolest website name out there.

Building a Computer

While the last two items have dealt with doing things on the computer that’s already ready for you, this deals with actually making the computer to do the first two items on the list. How can it be easy?

To tell you the truth, building a PC is not super, duper easy as it takes a lot of learning and a lot of patience. But, it’s something that just about anyone can do. The hardest part is applying glue and finding a small enough screwdriver, that’s really it!

To start, there are lots of communities online (and many are still growing) dedicated to PC building and with tons of people who are ready to offer you suggestions and tips for free. Everyone had to start somewhere, and the PC community is all about paying it forward. Someone helped them in the past and now they’re going to help you build the PC of your dreams.

First, you’ll have to decide what kind of PC you want before browsing for parts. Once you have an idea of what you wa,t you can get to the most enjoyable part: shopping for parts.

Building the PC will require a steady hand and patience, but there are tons of tutorials to walk you through it on YouTube.

The plus side is building a PC will save you wads of cash and give you a huge sense of pride.

Photo and Video Editing

If you’re already an Instagram star, you may be familiar with adding filters and cropping certain photos. But, there is more to photo editing than just adding a filter.

Fortunately for you, there are lots of free programs already installed on your computer or that are available for download. Many of these programs come with tutorials and instructions to help you get started. They’ll help take you through all the big things to the extra options. If they don’t help, head online where there are plenty of tech YouTube channels who can address your exact problem.

Whether you are editing a home film or working on a class project, you’ll be able to manage whatever work comes your way.


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